Benay Benli Your Therapist

Benay teaches Sivananda Yoga as well as offering Yoga Therapy and Thai Holistic Therapy.

She is professionally Holistic Therapist, Certified ITEC who has years of experience in the most efficient techniques and body types.

She studied in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Nutrition. She also trained Functional Medicine and Nutrition , Thai Bodywork in London and Chiang Mai Thailand.

Her unique holistic approach uses simple, natural, science-based techniques. When we experience deeper healing, we get to move forward and live a life of greater meaning, joy, and purpose than ever before.

Her focus and intention is help you to connect with your true purpose to find your higher self and  helps you restore physical, mental and emotional balance.

Key Principles & Values

Driven by her own healing experience, Benay finds joy in sharing her knowledge with others. In fact, everything she teaches is what eventually healed her. Her profound transformation fuels her commitment to continuous growth and learning. As she traverses her life path, she eagerly imparts the wisdom she’s gained, guided by the belief that personal development and awareness is an ongoing journey.

In the words of a dear friend, “Darkness does not exist, there is only absence of light.” This philosophy serves as a beacon, motivating Benay to continually evolve and illuminate the paths of those she encounters.

Benay's Vision: Fostering Wellness and Wholeness

“I’m committed to guiding you towards optimized health, purposeful living, and enhanced resilience, proactively rather than reactively. My vision extends to a world where each individual thrives, embracing optimal well-being, finding deeper purpose, and actively participating in collective healing.

If you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey towards holistic well-being,  if that sounds like something you’re interested in,  please reach out and let’s work together to unlock your true potential…